Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Sharing

I think they usually call something like this a "link storm" or some other fancy name. All I know is that I'm always finding cool interwebby things I want to share that don't fall under the category of human rights article (I share those mostly on Facebook) or new musical find (I share those on Mondays. Music Mondays. Alliteration, people).

So, I decided to start some Sunday Sharing. Because Sunday, for me, was always a day of community and the sharing of time and meals. So here's a few things from the internet this week that I find interesting, beautiful or thought provoking. Enjoy!

A beautiful illustrated life story. It reminded me to keep in touch with Little Mary Ellen who used to crawl around in the forest pretending to be a gypsy/orphan/pirate/ninja.

Check out where your country ranks in friendliness to foreigners! I was surprised by some. 

One teacher's every day heroic stand against rape culture:

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